Here are 17 Amazing Old Wives’ Tales On How to Predict A Babies Gender:
- Are you carrying high? If so, you’re having a girl.
- Are you carrying low? Then it’s a boy, all the way!
- Do you have pregnancy acne or other types of skin blemishes? One old wives’ tale claims girls will steal your beauty!
- If your skin is glowing and flawless, get ready for a boy.
- Have you noticed a change in your body temperature? If you’re feeling cold and icy, it’s a boy! Hot and sweaty? It’s a girl!
- Typically, what is baby’s heart rate? An old wives’ tale claims that slower heart rates (under 140 bpm) means boy, while heart rates over 140 means girl.
- Have you noticed any significant cravings? If you’re craving sweet things, you’re having a girl. If you’re craving salty or sour foods, it’s a boy.
- Both ancient Chinese and Mayan cultures used a calendar to predict baby’s gender. If both your age and the year you conceived are even, you’re having a girl. Same, if they’re both odd. If one is even and one is odd, you’re having a boy.
- Have you dealt with morning sickness? An old wives’ tale states that sickness means it’s a girl. If not, then LUCKY YOU!
- There’s a fun gender predictor called the Ring Test. To predict the gender of your baby, tie your wedding ring to a string, and hang it above your pregnant belly. If it swings in a circle, you’re having a boy. If it swings back and forth, get ready for a girl!
- We all know that sympathy pains are a real thing. If your husband also put on some baby weight, an old wives’ tale says it’s a girl!
- Have you experienced swollen legs or ankles? Rumor has it, it’s a boy!
- If you have experienced lots of clumsiness during your pregnancy, it’s a boy! If you’ve been graceful, expect a baby girl.
- Are you having crazy pregnancy dreams? Rumor has it that your baby’s gender is opposite of the gender you dream about.
- Have you experienced frequent headaches during your pregnancy? If so, you could be having a boy!
- What color is your pee? If your urine is bright yellow, it’s a boy. If your urine is light or dull in color, it’s a girl.
- How is your mood? If you’re happy or mellow, expect a boy. If you’re moody, it’s a girl.
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